Kaati Bihu:

 Kati Bihu Towards the end of Aahin (sixth month of the Assamese calendar) month the farmers’ labour brings fdrth the golden glow on the ripe grain. In the month of Kaati (seventh month of the Assamese Calendar) following Aahin, the farmer gets ready to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. It is done by lighting chakis (earthen lamps) under the Tulsi (black basil) plant. Kaati Bihu is the time when the granary is empty hence lending the name Kangali Bihu. The granary is also adorned with an earthen lamp so as to auger a full granary throughout the coming months. There is another custom of lighting an earthen lamp on a long sliver of a bamboo. There is a belief that this is done to ease the departed one’s soul to the other world. This ‘earthen lamp’ is also called Askash Banti. Parallel to this Bihu, the festival of Deepavali is also celebrated, with the lighted ‘diyas’ dispelling the darkness.